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SDTA Exams 


SDTA (Scottish Dance Teachers Alliance) Exams are offered once a year.  Dancers can begin the dance exams with very basic tests which require just a beginning foundation of movements and then move through higher level tests which require knowledge of the various dances and executing them at a high technical level.

Unlike competitions, the exams are done in small groups, usually 1-2 dancers at a time.  It is a more personal atmosphere and they receive individual feedback.  After sitting and passing these exams, the dancer receives a written critique from the examiner.


Money which is earned by your dancer and held in their dance account, can be used to help offset costs associated with exam fees. Our Parents Association maintains the Dance Account records, and can advise on the available balance in your dance account.

Photographs from 2018 Exams

Exam FAQ's and Reminders

1.  How can I help prepare my dancer?

Before Exams: Practice, practice, practice!  Please review corrections, and don’t forget to practice with music!

On Exam Day:  Please have your dancer at the studio 15 minutes early! Dancers should come already dressed, with tidy hair. The schedule is fairly aggressive, and groups can not be held up to accommodate late-comers or dancers who are not ready to go when they are called.


2. What are the exam fees?

Exam fees will vary for each dancer, depending on the level and class of exams being taken.  You have the opportunity to use funds from your dancers account to offset the cost of exams.  A summary of each family dance account will be emailed out prior to exam registration.


3. Where are exams held?

Exams are held at the studio. There will be practice mats set up in the garage; however with all the dancers coming and going, it can get a little crowded.  Parking in Sherry's lane way is limited to the examiner, parents with limited mobility, and parents with infants. All others are expected to park on nearby streets or in one of the nearby church parking lots.  Our dancers are in great shape for this short walk!


4. Can I watch my dancer during exams?

No.  Parents are not allowed in the studio.  The camera/tv in the parents loft will also be turned off.  Parents are encouraged to bring a book, electronic device, or other means to entertain themselves while they wait for their dancer to finish.


5. How will the examiner know who my dancer is?

Name tags have been prepared for your dancer.  Please bring a few safety pins to attach it!


6.  Are we allowed to have snacks while we wait?

Please keep food and snacks in the garage and in the loft to a minimum. If you have food with you on exam day, please use the garbage and recycling bins when you are finished.


7.  What if I have questions on Exam Day?

Exam day is a busy day for everyone - Sherry will be busy with keeping the dancers on schedule.  If you have any questions, please ask Sherry before exam day. If you need a hand on exam day, we have lots of helpful parents and senior dancers who can lend a hand and answer questions!

Sim School of Highland Dance - BATD & SDTA Scholarship Candidates

2021 SDTA Scholarships

2021 SDTA Scholarships

Bronwyn Turvey, Madeline Miskelly, Maxwell Bish, Paige Fawcett

2019 SDTA Scholarships

2019 SDTA Scholarships

Bronwyn Turvey

2018 SDTA Scholarships

2018 SDTA Scholarships

McKenna Leonard, Shaelin Hodgins, Madeline Miskelly, Hayliegh Hodgins, Maxwell Bish

2016 Dancers

2016 Dancers

Morgan McMaster, Erica Lonsberry, Bronwyn Garden-Smith, Ainsley Alyea, Paige Fawcett

2014 Dancers

2014 Dancers

Bronwyn Garden Smith, Claire Koops Erica Lonsberry, Adrianne Koops Also nominated: Ainsley Alyea, Phoebe Croft & Olivia Clarke

2013 Dancers

2013 Dancers

Fraser Nagel, Erica Lonsberry, Phoebe Croft, Megan Coghill, Holly Nussey

2012 Dancers

2012 Dancers

Olivia Clarke & Bronwyn Garden-Smith

2011 Dancers

2011 Dancers

Megan Coghill, Bronwyn Garden Smith, Heather Griffith, Claire Koops, Holly MacDonald, Kellie McCarney, Krista McCarney, Rachel Moodie, Shannon Moodie, Holly Nussey

2010 Dancers

2010 Dancers

Olivia Clarke, Megan Coghill, Kennedie Fife, Heather Griffith, Holly MacDonald, Kellie McCarney, Jessica Ross, Meg Sheldon, Leighanne Swance, Madison Thomson

2009 Dancers

2009 Dancers

Katrina Fletcher, Heather Griffith Shayna Hilton, Kathleen Johnson Holly MacDonald, Krista McCarney Rachel Moodie, Angie Wilson

2008 Dancers

2008 Dancers

Shayna Hilton & Krista McCarney

2007 Dancers

2007 Dancers

Rachel Moodie, Hayley Matheson, Holly MacDonald, Kathleen Johnson, Melanie Harris, Caitlin Ferguson, Janet MacDonald

2006 Dancers

2006 Dancers

Fiona Moylan & Melanie Harris

2005 Dancers

2005 Dancers

Janet MacDonald, Courtney Roefs, & Shannon Garden-Smith

2004 Dancers

2004 Dancers

Justine Innes, Emily Luyben, Janet MacDonald, Courtney Roefs, Amanda Green, Ashley Wickham, Erin MacKay

© 2023 Sim School of Highland Dance

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